
IR 64/36 Raw 25% Broken


IR 64/36 Raw 25% Broken

Forget bland, boring rice! Trade Pros' IR 64/36 Raw 25% Broken rice is the best option that is flavorful & fluffy perfection and comes with a price that won't break the bank. This isn't your average supermarket variety. Being among the leading IR 64/36 Raw 25% Broken rice traders in India, we offer unbeatable quality. This fluffy & perfectly cooked rice can elevate your dishes like a maestro conducts an orchestra. Biryani? Pilaf? International fare? No problem! This versatile rice adapts to any dish type related to rice. The absorbing flavors are like a sponge that makes sure every bite is a delicious symphony.

Trade Pros doesn't compromise on quality. We handpick only the finest grains. We implement rigorous checks from farm to package. At Trade Pros, we guarantee freshness and purity. We deliver an unmatched experience. But wait, there's more! As mentioned, this premium rice doesn't come with a premium price tag. Yes, It’s true! We understand that delicious food shouldn't cost a fortune. IR 64/36 Raw 25% Broken Rice is a great deal without compromising on quality, whether you're a home cook looking to feed your family or a restaurant owner searching for premium supplies. Ready to ditch the boring and embrace the flavorful? Don't wait! Experience the difference Trade Pros' IR 64/36 Raw 25% Broken rice can make in your kitchen.


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